DC Apartments with Parking 


garage Parking is easy at The Avec on H Street

Avec on H Street is all about the excitement of life. We know that doesn’t include worrying about finding a place to park when you come home. You want your parking included where you live. Life at the Avec gives you access to our multi-level, fully enclosed, parking garage that is perfect for all types of vehicles. Each parking location is VERY spacious and individually assigned to each resident. This ensures that your parking spot will always be available to you no matter when you come home.

Here are some more frequently asked questions about The Avec on H Street parking policies: 

is parking individually assigned? how much is it per month?

The parking garage spaces at Avec are ALL individually assigned. These spots are $225 per month.

Does this price differ for motorcycles and electric cars?

The Avec offers motorcycle parking at $100/MONTH – Electric car spaces are conveniently located right next to an electric adapter to make the recharging process for your vehicle nice and easy. These electric parking spaces are priced at the regular parking rate of $290/MONTH (This includes an unlimited supply of electricity for your vehicle)

Do I have to keep my parking spot for the entirety of my lease agreement?

Absolutely not. When obtaining permanent parking though, residents are required to have their spot for at least 3 months. If you wish to cancel your parking after that, you would need to do is give the leasing office 30 days’ notice.

Where do my guest park?

Want to enjoy the company of your family and friends without having to worry about where they’re going to park? We have you covered! Guests will be able to park in the retail parking areas on the higher parking levels. If have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to the leasing office.

Can people who live in the same apartment share a parking space?

Yes, but each vehicle needs to be registered at the leasing office so that we can ensure there isn’t any confusion about the vehicle that is in the parking space. If a resident wants to have two vehicles in the parking garage, this would need to be paid separately. (One parking space per resident)

How is the parking garage secured? 

For security purposes, the parking garage can only be accessed by residents and employees who have the garage remote/clicker. There are also cameras on each level of the garage, as well as on the inside of the elevator area.

What are my transportation options?

For information about transportation resources around DC such as “Commuter Connections” and the “Guaranteed Ride Home Program” please visit goDCgo.com or CommuterConnections.org


Please contact the Transit Coordinator, Kaitlyn Tumminello at ktumminello@wcsmith.com with any other questions.